Each time you key in keywords or terms in search fields, whether it is in Google, Yahoo or MSN, you will be presented with the so-called pages of results. These pages have undergone a process called “SEO” and have earned their respective page rankings.

What is SEO, you ask? SEO or search engine optimization refers to the process of increasing the number of visitor that a website gets by ranking high in the search results of a search engine. Ranking high in the results of a search increases a website’s chance of being visited by a user.

How so? Well, it is common knowledge that most Internet users tend to simply visit the first website in the results instead of browsing through pages and pages of search results. Therefore, it is same to conclude that where a site ranks in a search is crucial in garnering more traffic for the site.

Most people assume that SEO is a very complicated process that is simply too much to comprehend. Meanwhile, others believed that ranking high at the search engine is simply a matter of luck. Both statements are fallacies.

Ranking high at search engines has nothing to do with luck nor is it impossible to understand. All you need is a couple of simple things in order for your web pages to do well at the search engines.

Search engine rankings play a significant role in Internet marketing campaign, which is why it is important that you understand the basics in SEO. Good search engine ranking is not an overnight phenomenon, therefore you must be patient.

There are a lot of search engines out there; some even offers specialized categories that utilize multiple search engine results to compile an outline of listed results, rather than taking results from its own databases.

However, if your main goal is to be successful on the net, then optimization for MSN search engine is a must. MSN is definitely one of the leading search engines on the net today. What separates it from other search engine giants? Well, MSN place great importance in using page optimization techniques, whereas Google and Yahoo concentrates on incoming link anchor text alone. What this means for you is that MSN indexes more pages than other search engines, consequently allowing your pages to rank higher and faster.

Moreover, the search engine giant has recently undergone a major change. What kind of change, you ask? MSN Search has incorporated “neural networks” into its search engine algorithm, or what is now referred to as “RankNet.” This monumental change took place last June. This algorithm is indeed a breakthrough, and is fast becoming a matter of great consideration among search optimizers.

Just what is RankNet and how does it work? Basically, RankNet is a “learning machine” which considers the patterns of human searches and then learns from them thus, providing a more relevant result not only on the current searches but for future searches as well.

Since SEO is not a matter of chance but of strategy, there are certain steps that you could undertake in order for your pages or site to have good rankings at MSN. MSN Search highly advised that you remember two important things. One is to use well-formed HTML code and the other is not to have any broken links in your pages.

There are other steps that you might also consider. For starters, it might be a good idea to use a robots.txt file to control how MSNBot indexes your site. This is also vital for other crawlers.

Keep in mind that MSN is all about content. So, what do you do? Limit all pages to a reasonable size and drop pictures that are lower than 150 KB. Adding a site map would also be beneficial since, it will allow MSNBot to locate all of your pages without difficulty. Remember also to pick one topic for each page.

Avoid putting words that are not relevant just to increase a page's keyword density. Hidden text or links are also a bad idea, this usually indicates spam, and thus, MSN may remove you from their index.

Another thing you can do is place a descriptive content at the top of each web page. Make sure that each page has a clear topic and purpose. You can also add a website description at the Description meta tag. Now, if you ever you change your content, make sure that you update your website description.

One of the most important factors in page optimization, particularly RankNet is the keywords. Placing keywords in a strong paragraph at the beginning, in link text, and repeating it near the end of a page might not be new ideas. As a matter of fact, this has been part of good optimization practice for quite a while now. Moreover, it also makes logical sense when it comes to providing solid information for website users. It is the importance on these elements in the new MSN search engine that is interesting.

Remember that MSN is quite a very content and keyword sensitive search engine. If you give extra care with the use and placing of your keywords as well as great consideration on your content, then you can be assure that all your efforts will not go to waste because MSN Search will reward your site with good search engine rankings.

MSN offers various features and services; MSN Search is just one of them. Optimization for this search engine can very well mean success on the web, what’s more is that it can be accomplished quite easily (provided that your site features a lot of original content). Page optimization is important not only at MSN Search but for other search engines as well. Good optimization of your page will certainly improve your ranking not only at MSN but in other search engines as well.

So what are you waiting for? Why not try it out and see for yourself if you can pull your pages up and do well not only in the MSN search engine but in others as well.

About the Author: Danny Wirken, http://www.theinternetone.net


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