As a web site owner what is it that you prefer the most - getting more visitors or getting more customers? Well the answer is quite clear, but are you really making that extra effort to turn those visitors into customers? Have you tried to find what is lacking in your web site that fails to turn the visitors into customers? Even after optimizing your web site, getting more links and gaining a high position on search engine ranking, if your revenue has not increased, it needs your immediate attention. To start with it, you need to take a close look at your web site. Well the first point you need to check is whether you have made your web site search engine friendly or reader friendly. Most of us make this mistake of optimizing our web site for the search engines. The search engines are however not going to buy your products or services, you want a real buyers for it. The search engines only provide you a platform where you can display your web site and its products. When you optimize your web site keep the reader in mind and not the search engine. Quality information with relevant content always make the visitors ask for more information about your products and services. Over selling on your web site will never help. All the sales pitch that you use will not hold the visitors on your web site any longer than they wish to stay. Only by providing quality content you can catch the attention of your visitors for a longer period. You must identify and answer all probable questions that visitors may have and then subtly present your products and services. Believe very strongly in the adage "Content is King". Online business is basically about selling. To become a better salesperson you need to analyze your customer's behavior. In other words, analyze the visitors of your site in ways like what keywords they have used to visit your web site, are they not getting solution to their problem, etc. You can also study what pages are the most visited and at which page the visitor exits your web site. Through little research you can analyze whether you are giving an easy navigation path to the visitors or confusing them and taking more time to take them to the real pages. Once you have figured out where the problem lies, change it immediately for the better. Even in later periods keep on monitoring your web site and try to make it user-friendly. By constant checking of you web site's statistics you will definitely achieve your aim of converting your visitors into customers. About The Author: Dan Lambart is the Director of Marketing for AB Traffic which is a company that provides highly targeted web site traffic for commercial web sites. For more details please visit:


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