Internet marketing is almost like a crap shoot, sometimes you hit big, sometimes you don't. What separates those that make money and those that don't is whether you can keep up with the latest marketing trends and utilize them to your advantage. If you're not willing to grow as technology grows, then your online business will not grow either. One of new waves of internet marketing either for your website or product is the use of RSS feeds.

RSS feeds are useful for many reasons. One of the primary reasons RSS feeds are useful is that they are easy to update and can provide fresh new content to your website on a continual basis. The fact that they are easy to create means that you can quickly update and ping RSS ping services like Ping-o-matic, which lets several RSS feed distributors know you have updated your RSS feed. The RSS feed is then quickly picked up by the search engines. If you are displaying the RSS feed on your own website, this will result in the search engines coming to your website.

Depending on how often you update your feeds, it may result in the search engines crawling your site more often. The reason for this is that search engines like fresh new content. If your site is stagnant and you never update your site, the search engines will come to your site rarely, meaning the indexing of your website, your online business will be slower and you may actually be ranked lower than other sites that have RSS content on their websites, regardless of how search engine optimized your site may be.

If you don't want to create your own RSS feeds, there are an abundance of public sites that will allow you to use their RSS feeds to display on your website as long as you attribute the feed to them and you follow the terms of service. This is a great way to get fresh content without too much work. The only job you need to do is find a service that will parse the RSS feed to display in html format or write your own script in order to do this. Additionally, there are several utilities that will create entire websites based on RSS feeds, which means your work is very minimal and the potential for profit much greater since the website is also optimized for search engines.

For information and resources on how to use RSS feeds, go to RSS Feed Tips -, where you will find a free a free online RSS Feed Generator. For other internet marketing strategies, go to Internet Marketing Tips -
About the author: Kelley Kilanski, The author runs - a website dedicated to articles and resources to help you make money, manage money and save money.


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