Adsense is one of the easiest ways to make money on the Internet since since you don't need to sell anything to earn money. However, many people can't believe that thousands of webmasters make a decent passive income from their adsense earnings.
When you know how to play the adsense game, adsense can really become your secondary or primary source of income. So how those webmasters are able to quit their day job with Google as new boss?
The surefire way to maximize your adsense earnings is to use secret adsense earning lists. You need do search for (or buy) high paying keywords. To be able to find those keywords, you can use well known keywords tools that help will identify those money making keywords quickly and easily.
However, that method is becoming less effective now because everybody and his dog is going after the same keywords, and build webpages full of them...
What is the problem then? The problem is that search engine become more and more "intelligent", and they are less likely to send visitors to those made for adsense sites.
And you know that less visitors to your adsense pages means decrease in your adsense earnings. Do you recognize something here? Do not build your site for search engines, go natural!
Build your site for visitors, and avoid keyword stuffing... You must build your site first with your readers in mind. Ask yourself: If I remove all contextual advertising from my site, will visitors stay on the site, bookmark it and come back to find what's news?
If the answer is no, your site will surely make pennies a day.
While adsense is one of the easiest ways to make a decent passive income on the Internet, the only way to maximize your adsense earnings is to satisfy your visitors!
Here are some tips to maximize your adsense earnings:
- A site which is visitors satisfaction optimized.
- A nice site layout.
- An easy and organized site navigation.
- Redirect your visitors to your high earning adsense pages.
- Links leading to high pages with catchy descriptions.
- Use images near your adsense ads.
- Use catchy graphics.
- Location of your adsense ads.
Know that the thing that will really skyrocket your adsense earnings is not to have the best high paying keywords list, but to put those adsense ads in a proper location.
Here are two examples of a good adsense block placements on your sites. They are proven to work:
- At the top left of your page (embeded in the text).
- At the bottom of the page.
Another highly powerful way to maximize your adsense earnings which is overlooked is to read Google adsense blog regularily, and to apply Google advices with their webmasters guideline.
Building a "visitors enhanced site" is the only way to maximize your adsense earnings today because of the high number of competitors. A fast and easy way to get the better adsense placements on your website is to buy instant adsense templates.
About the author: Franck Silvestre has an excellent beginner's free affiliate marketing course, and shows you how to maximize your adsense earnings. Get several Free Instant adsense templates to start your VRE empire.
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